Saturday, July 4, 2009

Transformers-Revenge of the Fallen movies


Back when the title for the Transformers sequel was revealed as Revenge of the Fallen, the comic book fans were quick to draw the paralell to the storyline of a badass Transformer who’s name was lost to history and is only known as The Fallen.

Well it turns out that storyline WILL be featured in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. IDW Publishing is creating a line of comics to bridge the gap between the first and second movies that will deal with the Reign of Starscream.

So this makes me wonder if Megatron will have a presence at all short of flashbacks. A great deal of Cybertronian history, revealing more about the Fallen as well as Prime and Megatron’s prior encounters will be in the film.

Sadly we are warned that Starscream will not be the ambitious maniacal power monger from the G1 mythos, but more of a loyal military leader. I am disappointed in this as I often liked his scheming in the background. Some of this may be addressed with the IDW bridging comic.

Will Megatron be returning in time for the next film or will the Fallen be rounding up Starscream’s Decepticons for his army?

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